Blind Justice (novel)

Blind Justice
Author Bruce Alexander
Country United States
Language English
Series Sir John Fielding, #1
Genre Historical Crime novel
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardcover, Paperback)
Pages 336 pp
ISBN 0-425-15007-0
OCLC 33376605
LC Class CPB Box no. 1985 vol. 1
Preceded by none
Followed by Murder in Grub Street

Blind Justice is the first historical mystery novel about Sir John Fielding by Bruce Alexander.

Plot summary

Young Jeremy Proctor, recently orphaned, is taken in as ward by blind Sir John Fielding, Magistrate of the Bow Street court and organizer of London's first police force. When Sir John investigates the apparent suicide of Lord Goodhope, it is Jeremy's eyes which note the crucial clue.

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